OPCom Particle Monitor
OPCom Particle Monitor
OPCom Particle Monitor

Continuous oil condition monitoring


The OPCom particle monitor from Argo-Hytos is a compact particle measuring device for the continuous monitoring of contamination and wear wear in hydraulic fluids and lubricants.

Detailed information

Recognising changes
Particle monitors precisely indicate any change in the contamination of a system. This means that in the event of an increase in concentration and countermeasures can be initiated.
be initiated. Consequential damage is minimised and costs reduced.
High pressure range
The OPCom particle monitor is designed for use at high pressure. pressure. This means it can be connected directly to pressurised lines.
Intuitive operation
The OPCom particle monitor has a bright graphic display and a keypad display and a keypad that can be used to make all the necessary settings can be made. The menu navigation is intuitive and logical. 
communication options
The OPCom particle monitor transmits data either via a serial serial interface or via the CAN bus (CANopen + SAE J1939). In parallel, the configurable 4 - 20 mA interface can be connected in parallel. Via a information can be provided via a digital alarm output if a exceeding or falling below a limit value. Measurements can be started and stopped time-controlled, manually or via a digital input. started and stopped. The data is also stored in the stored in the integrated memory.
Special design feature
On the fluid side, the OPCom particle monitor has two connections with which the sensor is usually connected to the system in the bypass flow. to the system. The electrical connection is made via an 8-pin M12 x 1 round connector.


Messgeräte Broschuere Argo-Hytos DE

Messgeräte Broschuere Argo-Hytos DE

Measurement Brochure Argo-Hytos EN

Measurement Brochure Argo-Hytos EN